Unified Course Descriptions

A web scraper that gathers all courses with descriptions and links to their respective pages on a daily basis. The project is hosted on GitHub. The resulting self-generated document is available in the following formats:

  • HTML;
  • Asciidoc (visit the page of a single degree program and use the .adoc extension instead of .html);
  • PDF (visit the page of a single degree program and use the .pdf extension instead of .html).

Running Locally

Use cargo run to start the program.

The generated file is an AsciiDoc file. You need to install asciidoctor, or asciidoctor-pdf, to convert the file into HTML or PDF respectively.


Thanks to Fabio Gaiba who, before the development of this project, manually collected the various course descriptions.

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Community of students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna
