
“When typography is well executed, words become images.” Shawn Lukas


This thesis template uses Typst, an alternative and more modern typographic system compared to $\LaTeX$, but currently less popular. Typst is also designed for scientific use.


You can use this project as a template for a new repository on your profile: just click on “Use this template” in the top right corner.


Typst documentation is available here.


By clicking on Actions at the top, you can enable project automation:

  • For every push to a PR directly towards main, it will be checked that your thesis compiles correctly;
  • If you have set up GitHub Actions as SettingsPagesBuild and deploymentSource, every change to main will result in your thesis being published at https://<username>.github.io/<repository-name>/thesis.pdf.

Remember that if you modify the name and location of thesis.typ, you will need to adjust your Actions accordingly.

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Community of students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna
