
This GitHub repository collects the Ansible files used by our system administrators to maintain our services. The underlying infrastructure of the virtual machines on which these Ansible files are executed, however, is managed by the students of AdmStaff. The tasks are written to be used with Ansible in playbook mode.

Setup for all hosts

ansible-playbook install.yaml

Setup for a single host

ansible-playbook install.yaml -l <hostname>

# Example for the host dynamik
ansible-playbook install.yaml -l dynamik

Hosts are defined in the hosts file.


bot (Informabot)

To execute the playbook on the bot host, it is necessary to insert the Telegram bot token in the passwords/bot_token file. After starting the bot as explained above, if new commands have been added, it is important to configure it.

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Community of students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna
